Thursday, October 18, 2007

The day I got my powers

I'm falling! I yelled as I fell of my roof.Doh I hit the ground.Them suddenly everything was getting darker and darker
I was about to call my mum but then I thought to myself I'm twelve I can handle this.Then BAM I got hit by something. It was a rock with flames on it could it be a meteor.Naa because if it was there would be a bigger one.Another one hit the road and it was huge it was so huge it forced me through the window I fainted.The next day I was doing my homework and it was hard. I was so amazed but the table was old any way.The next day I was mad at my sister.Then my sister noticed something.To be continued.....

1 comment:

Jaiden said...

watzup NASHY 619$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!