Monday, November 5, 2007

Stuck in the internet
"Man this game is awesome," was my words when I was playing "Heli Attack 3".I triedto turn
up the volume when I accidently spilled water on my hand and got zapped with electricity.
"That was weird" I said to myself."Boom" There was boms from the sky.I WAS IN HELI ATTACK 3!
I ran around triying to find a hiding spot when I found a gun. It was a taser. To be continued...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The day I got my powers

I'm falling! I yelled as I fell of my roof.Doh I hit the ground.Them suddenly everything was getting darker and darker
I was about to call my mum but then I thought to myself I'm twelve I can handle this.Then BAM I got hit by something. It was a rock with flames on it could it be a meteor.Naa because if it was there would be a bigger one.Another one hit the road and it was huge it was so huge it forced me through the window I fainted.The next day I was doing my homework and it was hard. I was so amazed but the table was old any way.The next day I was mad at my sister.Then my sister noticed something.To be continued.....

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Wonderful to drink when you're thirsty
And it has no fat or sugar
Tastes like nothing you've ever had
Even in the Bible water is good
Rivers,dams and rain all contain water

Sunday, October 7, 2007

In the holidays

In the holidays I went to my cousin's birthday party
in Christchurch. It was a 7 hr journey. When I got
there they welcomed me nicely. On Saturday we went to QE2
and it was awesome.The host of New Zealand Idol was
giving out prizes. Then they put on a water screen.The
amazing thing was that there is only one in New Zealand
and three in the world. Then the next day we went to watch a movie called
"Rush Hour 3 ", It was so funny.2 days later I had to go home. I was so sad,
because had so much fun.

Monday, July 16, 2007

My holiday

In the holidays I went to Get smart in Christchurch it was awesome and it was my first time going there. W e slept at a church near QE2.We did this thing called secret angels.It was cool because you had to do something cool for them for the whole week. I got heaps of presents my secret angel angel.I got a C.D, snow putty and a stretchy frog. On the way there we scared some people by shouting really loud.They started the preaching after about 45 minuets of worship.The preacher was funny.On the second day we did 45 mins of preaching and 30 mins of worship.Jurgen was a great preacher and funny

Sunday, June 24, 2007

yo dawg

Yo dog my name is Panashe and I like sports.
My favourite sport is rugby because it is
awesome.I played rugby yesterday and we won by heaps. I play
for Riwaka they are very tough.
My favourite food is chicken boy do I love chicken
I have one sister called Wadzanai,she is pretty cool
but sometimes very annoying.My friends are Zac,Levi,Ziggy,Kurt
and Brayden